Future Food Revolution

Future Food is how we sustainably feed our global population without compromising our environment, ethical values, and health. Our current food system is fundamentally flawed—marked by destructiveness, cruelty, injustice, and adverse health impacts. A number of incredibly exciting and vastly more efficient technologies mean that we can and must transition to an alternative system that addresses and rectifies these pressing issues.

Precision Fermentation

Using microorganisms in an age-long process to produce specific proteins

Cultivated Meat

Identical to the meat we’re used to but grown without the animal.

Biomass Fermentation

Making food out of naturally occurring, protein-dense, fast-growing organisms like algae of fungi

Air Protein

Producing proteins with nothing but microbes, CO2, nitrogen and oxygen.

What are the benefits?

Annually we raise and slaughter around 100 billion land animals and between 2 and 3 trillion marine animals. This has a big impact on our planet and environment:

  • It’s responsible for 15%-24% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
  • It’s the main driver of deforestation, biodiversity loss, desertification, eutrophication and ocean dead zones.
  • It’s the biggest consumer of water, land, and antibiotics.
  • It’s the main cause of zoonotic diseases.

Precision fermentation produces the same products at a fraction of the impact and soon at a fraction of the cost:

Up to 94%
less water
Up to 76%
less GHG
Up to 80%
less land
less antibiotics, hormones and animal suffering

Products already for sale


Amara's Law and Cultivated Meat: A Case of Tech Evolution, Not Failure


As the media dismisses cultivated meat as dead we ask whether this dip in excitement and investment isn’t part of a normal trajectory for all new technologies. Read more

What past disruptions tell us about Cellular Agriculture and Alternative Proteins


Incumbent industries are almost always too slow to adapt to new technologies which leads to their downfall. This doesn"t have to be the case with our food system. Read more

Cultivate your palate for a new type of food


In London, 2013, at a live packed press conference, Dutch scientist Mark Post unveiled the first lab-grown meat burger. The patty, prepared by a chef, was presented to food critics and an excited audience, all of whom were suitably impressed. Read more

Precision Fermentation: The Future of Food


It"s no secret that animal agriculture is one of the leading causes of climate change and environmental degradation. We can"t raise and slaughter 86 billion land animals and wrest 2–3 trillion marine animals out of the seas every year without suffering some consequences. Read more

Would you like to help accelerate this change to a better food system?

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